Midway bowling alley was just south of Trion in the early 1960s
Ad in Summerville News promoting buying war bonds in World War One
Commerce Street Summerville ,circa 1917
Jackson Drug Store, corner of Commerce and Washington, circa 1940
Hanging around the soda fountain … circa 1957
Pesterfield’s store in Summerville circa 1940, for all your clothing needs
Buy War Bonds, Ad from Summerville News one year after Pearl Harbor was bombed in 1942
Chero Cola Bottling company in Summerville circa 1920. It was located in 1st Street area near springs
The fair was a success! See what they did !
Early 1900’s duties of county road overseers. People had to work on the road or pay money once a year.
1890’s ad from Thompson-Hiles, a large general store in Summerville
Georgia Rug Mill office, located off Menlo Highway .Many Chattoogans were hired here for a job.
The Piggly Wiggly was built above Summerville in 1962. It was formally the Cash Store downtown.
Early 1960s ambulance prices when the funeral homes ran a ambulance service
For many years Packer’s Shoe Store on Commerce Street was shoe headquarters for the county
Jackson Chevrolet started on North Commerce street in 1955